Friday, 17 October 2008

LTEC, Plan 1s and 'Fast-Tracks'

On Monday I was invited to the University Learning & Teaching Enhancement Committee (LTEC) meeting where I gave them a 10 minute presentation about the DIVAS project. It seemed to go down well and I notice that several of them have joined the Validation Support Network (VSN) on NING. We've also now put a link to the VSN on the university Quality Services website as suggested by a member of LTEC.

We're still pluggging away at getting people to use the VSN, we've got over 60 members now and Hamza and Sue managed to persuade one of them to contribute a case study about her experiences of doing Market Research. Hamza and Sue are holding several face-to-face sessions next week to try and get people to contribute towards the community so hopefully people will drop-in!

Chris and I met and went through a couple of the Plan 1s that came in to QIS. We've identified 3 new awards that we will target next week. 1 is a Foundation degree, another is an award that will be delivered by distance learning and the other is a traditional on-site undergraduate award. All of the awards are aiming to run in Sept 2009 so we hoped that by targetting these they would have time to go through a faculty validation before the end of the project. While we were looking at the Plan 1s, I took the opportunity to email all the listed members of staff to remind them about the VSN as they are about to start their validation processes.

So far the project is running to plan and we about to enter the next phase of it where we start looking into the "fast-track" aspects of the project and how we can build upon the eLearning models project that was started 18months ago.

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